W.C. Russell
Moccasin Company
- Founded 1898 -

When Earl Shaffer set out on what would be the first ever completion of the Appalachian trail, the World War veteran chose Russell Moccasins to carry him through over 2050 miles of wilderness. When Charles Lindbergh sought to prove trans-pacific flight in his expeditions with Lockheed, he chose Russell Moccasins. When Edward Prince of Wales set off with Denys Finch Hatton to explore the continent of Africa on safari, he too chose Russell Moccasins.
History is littered with titans who chose to make their footprints in Russell footwear. It is this uncanny tradition of history-making that has given generation after generation of Russell Craftsmen the passion to continue perfecting their craft.
“From presidents and kings to aviators and explorers, to wear Russells is to join a fraternity of the most interesting men in the world.”
Since 1898 the quaint town of Berlin, Wisconsin has been home to the Shoemakers of the W.C. Russell Moccasin Company. The sound of their hammers and the percussion of 100 year old Puritan sewing machines are constant as they tediously morph heavy leather hides into footwear that often last more than half a century.
The key to the longevity and success of Russell footwear lies in a series of ingenious techniques and construction methods that exist nowhere else.
Made from the bottom up, leather is formed around the curves of the foot, creating unrivaled comfort without inhibiting the natural articulation of the joints. Depending on the application, there is not just one layer, but two or three “vamps” that completely encircle the foot like multiple leather socks, each sealing the seams of the one before. The boot is finished with the iconic handsewn Overlap Stitch, patented in 1910 at Russell for its remarkable water-resistance and durability. Taking years to perfect, it is the signature of a Russell Shoemaker.
Berlin, Wisconsin
Member since 2022